Animation Bust (Thanks, Tyrano!)

Danni (our team's blue bear) went above and beyond animating characters for the game. Thankfully, she didn’t get too far with the rivals—phew!—because getting them to work in the outdated Tyrano engine felt like doing backflips.

On the bright side, we managed to get the animations working. The downside? Tyrano couldn’t handle it. The engine nearly killed our project with a huge Live2D glitch that made the game unopenable after saving. That's when we decided to ditch Live2D—at least for this program.

The long loading time is likely due to Tyrano’s Live2D system. Despite my efforts to remove it, the folder and files kept regenerating, with mostly empty .js files containing leftover character data. Tyrano’s Live2D still haunts this upload.

For the final project, we plan to use the animated versions once I update the characters arts since the live 2d setup is already done we can swap out the body parts.

We used Tyrano mainly because it was quick and available. I was able to push it beyond its default, but it lacks basic VN features like 'quit' or 'config' functions for the title screen. I got the quit function to work and a partially functional config menu, but I scrapped the config for the quit button since it was less broken. Of course, in a browser, a Tyrano quit button doesn’t matter anyway. The concept could of been this - what a waste.

Allen the Reaper Cat
-Art by Green
-Animated by Blue
-Personality by Red

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